Tri Coach Jon Success Stories

I've spent the last three years with @tricoachjo_ training camps in Majorca and really pleased that his coaching has helped me to complete my second successive Ironman Wales challenge!

The March camps have been amazing - sunshine, great company and a fantastic training environment. Jon structures the week to take into consideration the prep. needed to confidently attack the Ironman build up. His technical knowledge is outstanding and he is always at hand to pass on really useful information that has given me so much confidence, and has ultimately allowed me to achieve back-to-back IMW finishes.

Jon's had a huge impact upon my Ironman journey and is someone who I'd highly recommend.

Thank you Jon, you are awesome!


Jon is a truly awesome coach he gives you the level of support you want so if you are not that experienced and need some more advice he will be there but if you just need some guidance along the way he can tailor his help to suit , he always contactable to speak to and always at the end of a phone if you want to scream , shout and moan about how bad you think you are ( which with Jon's help you probably aren't) he gets results I started doing sprint triathlons as a newbie and now I've just completed ironman wales along with many other half distance triathlons, sportive and marathons, this guy knows his onions , I'm still with him because I can't think of training without him

Chris Barry 24 Sep 2024

Mallorca Triathlon Training Camps was one of the biggest highlights of my Ironman 70.3 preparation!

Coach Jon’s approach was amazing - he balanced pushing me to my limits while providing unwavering support.

His patience and clarity in explaining techniques helped me significantly improve my outdoor biking skills, which was crucial for the race!

The post-camp training program Jon designed was also fundamental in maintaining my momentum. His personalized training plan focused on nutrition, recovery, speed work, and endurance, keeping me motivated as I prepared for the event!

Overall, my experience under Jon’s guidance was pivotal in equipping me for the Ironman 70.3! I highly recommend Jon for anyone looking to sharpen their triathlon skills!

Thainá Facchinelli

I enjoyed a fantastic week of highly personalised training with Jon, tapping into his wealth of experience ahead of tackling IM Barcelona in October. Mallorca was the perfect backdrop for an intense 20 hour training week and I left having received a real fitness boost and super motivated for the challenge ahead.

A few highlights:

Bike: Jon has excellent knowledge of the island and planned a series of challenging but scenic rides ranging from 100 - 160km. He tailored these to my race profile and provided a number of pointers ranging from riding technique to heart rate control, delivered alongside a number of great life stories that made the rides even more enjoyable!

Swim: This was an area where I felt like Jon really added value. His video analysis was incredibly helpful, identifying a number of areas for improvement and then prescribing a series of drills to work on them. We trained at a fantastic 50m facility and also had the opportunity to do a few open water sea swims where Jon again offered a number of race tips based on his experience.

Run: I had the opportunity to do a brick run after each of our rides. Tough in the heat but Jon taught me a lot about the benefit of planning nutrition / hydration ahead of the run off to help manage heart rate on the run.

Nutrition: In addition to providing all of the necessary nutrition / supplements to fuel our rides, Jon taught me a huge amount about race planning and recovery and this was an area where he really opened my eyes to the benefits these bring.

Race planning: Jon took time at the start of the week to sit down with me and help plan our training to fit my race profile. I left feeling far more prepared about when and how to hydrate and take on nutrition and he also had a number of war stories to share from his own experience and tips on what to do / not do on race day…!

All in all a really enjoyable week in the perfect surroundings and with great company - would recommend to others looking for a fitness boost ahead of race day.

David McMenamin

Initially, I was quite anxious because my cycling skills weren't where I wanted them to be. However, Jon did an excellent job of ensuring that everyone in the group was at a similar level, which made the experience thoroughly enjoyable.

The swim analysis, followed by technique practice, was transformative for my swimming. Throughout the week, we received nutrition guidance and plenty of advice on preparing for an Ironman.

I left the camp feeling highly motivated and confident about my next Ironman. The accommodation was fantastic, and the food selection was outstanding. I would definitely recommend it!


The week I passed in Mallorca was so well organised between hard and less training and with recuperation periods. The weather was excellent. The roads we travelled were amazing. After the 6 days of training I could feel my legs ready for the goal of a 70,3 Ironman next month.


If you want to progress your experience in triatlhon combined with good laughs this is the trainingcamp for you.
Jon, the coach himself has a lot of experience and shares with you his genuine passion. He knows perfect cycling routes on the island. You can ask him detailed questions about nutrition, training intensity and race strategy.
On top of that you will have an in detail swim analysis with a session that includes corrections in the pool.
Once again many thanks for a great week of training.


Thanks a lot for this amazing training camp! This week, I improved so much in swimming, downhill cycling, learned a lot about nutrition, training on heart rate, and most importantly, had a lot of fun training with Jon and the others and seeing so much of the island. I will definitely come back next year and am very excited to continue with the individual coaching with Jon!


Logistically perfect triathlon training camp, I really loved it! The training facilities are excellent – nice hotel accommodation (with excellent breakfast and dinner options), with a 25m swimming pool and a large and secure bike garage. Well-structured workouts, great bike rides, flexible for all levels. Coach has individual approach to each participant and adapts the training to the exact needs, in accordance with the planned races. The video analysis of the swim from all angles was a huge added value, and all swim training sessions afterwards were done to apply the lessons learned and improve swimming technique. The coach has a great eye and is able to recognize mistakes and correct the technique during and after training. I felt very comfortable in the group (since I joined the camp without knowing anyone), the coach really takes care of everything, and I would recommend this camp to everyone!
Thank you again for great camp!


I have been working with Coach Jon Goodege since October 2018 and continue to be inspired and confronted to learn more about myself every week. There are many coaches and online routines out there that can offer dietary and athletic advice, providing you with adequately organized workouts and food plans. In my opinion there is only one that can provide the perfect balance of training and life for ‘this’ age grouper. From the moment you first talk to Jon you can feel his energy.

I first met Jon in October 2018 and wasn’t sure if I was up for the challenge of a full distance triathlon after my DNF in June that year. I explained my reason for wanting a Coach. My wife had basically said “No Coach, No second try at the full distance!”. I started to realise that with being an age grouper I have not got years to waste with self-teaching and trial and error. So, I took the plunge and made first contact with Jon by telephone. The two-way conversation was relaxed, and I felt immediately comfortable. I knew I found a Coach that could give me the best chance of completing my goal. You kinda know when something feels right e.g. finding a home, a partner and a coach.

Little did I know, after asking him to coach me, that my life would change from that moment. In those 8 months, I learned to swim better, cycle and run more efficiently and my diet changed heaps for the better. I dropped weight and gained energy. I completed my first ever marathon (Brighton) and we talked and took lots of information away with us.
I finished that Ironman distance with my wife, my daughter and Coach Jon shouting encouragement to me ALL day long. When I say all day, I mean all day. He had checked out the course the day before and offered advice. He checked to make sure I had everything I needed and turned up by surprise at the briefing the day before. The smiles were huge and even my daughter talked to him straight away. This ‘gentleman’ was my wing man for the day of the race and every day for my sport of choice, triathlon.

My athletic pursuit would not have been possible if Jon hadn’t been able to truly understand who I am as a person and what life balance I required to get me safely to that start line. You cannot buy this bespoke partnership online. Jon has helped shape my life athletically and personally. It is a gift that he generously shares with his athletes and everyone he meets.

Kevin Wiltshire

After qualifying for TeamGB Age group triathlon I took Jon on as my coach for the 2019 season. During this time I successfully completed 3 x 70.3 races including the European Championships in Transylvania plus my first Ironman on Copenhagen. Numerous top 10 finishes and a number of podiums for a successful season. Jon is a very enthusiastic coach who wants the best for his athletes. He’s very knowledgeable when it comes to nutrition and supplementation to help performance. He uses the data provided in Training Peaks to plan and adapt training accordingly always being responsive to changes in circumstances and the pressures of family life. I would be happy to recommend him especially to someone who is looking for a hands on coach who is fully involved.

Claire Adam - First Class Triathlon Coach

During my triathlon training Jon assisted me with my nutrition and weight loss program. From 15st 2 down to 12st 12 in a cotrolled manor. This had a positive effect on my training and confidence.

Eddie Tango Robertson (384) Completed Lakesman 2019 in: 15:02:38

It all started as a bit of a ‘mid life crisis, I was approaching 50, had put on a little (ok a lot) of weight and wanted to challenge myself……..I had run a few marathons in my younger years so wanted something different, couldn’t really swim and wasn’t keen on cycling as I was terrified of going fast, but thought ‘I know – an Ironman…..’

2018 I did my first triathlons, including an Ironman distance, all self coached and was pretty pleased with myself, but then had the ‘what now’ problem, the weight then piled back on as training hit an all time low and work hours a ridiculous high.
Time continued to tick away until I was brought abruptly down to earth, a visit to the bathroom and realised I could no longer pull my skirt up over my thighs, had to undo it and have a little cry 😢

Time to take action...............
Out went the pastries, cake and chocolate bars, in came the veg and rice.........the weight came off but I feared it wasn’t sustainable as my relationship with food was not a healthy one.

Lakesman half came and having done it the year before thought I would be just fine on minimal training - again I got a taste of reality, after a reasonable race in 2018 I was slower in 2019, it was nowhere near what I had wanted - but reality was I hadn’t worked hard enough for it, thought I could manage off the back of the previous years training..........

Change of plan - but I didn’t want to be ‘that person’ who took on a coach and then made no progress but ‘talked a good game’

Along came Jon……..mild mannered, communicative, responsive to changes in daily routine and mood and a regular clear training schedule built around my goals
So 7 weeks of being fully invested in the programme set and my final event of the year came around..........wanted a PB, secretly want a podium finish, (even more secretly wanted a GB slot, but thought that was 18 months at least away......)
The rest is history - 2nd place, 40 minute PB, GB slot and now a few more months on a totally different and (on most days) healthier relationship with food, and a body I didn’t think was possible at my age.

The food advice alongside the triathlon coaching has brought me to the lightest I have been since before children(and they are 26 and 29 now), I have muscles I didn’t know existed and a whole new wardrobe 2 – 3 sizes smaller!

The nutrition plan fromJon came as a but of a culture shock – he wanted me to eat more! Very clear guidance on how much protein, carbs and fat allowed my relationship with food to become healthier and I shifted a further 15lbs despite eating more. The fuelling into races or long training sessions has also,I believe, impacted on both my results and overall fitness.

If you believe you can do it, are prepared to be disciplined and put the work in and tackle some emotional demons – then Jon is there to work with you, I truly believe he gets as excited about my small and big successes as I do.
He can’t do it for you, but he can provide the structure, schedule, development points and will answer your endless questions to support you reach your goal.


Bizarrely I've never met Jon physically in person yet...

However, I know his partner well and virtually in cyber space I know several of his clients.

Around 3 months ago I read a FB post from Eddie tango robertson after he posted about loosing 2 stone. We exchanged PM's and he advised me he'd been working with Jon, who was advising him on his diet and his training plan.

I'd been a keen cyclist previously but had lost my mojo and had started to put weight on and was feeling flat, i had just started to try running but had injured myself following poor advise over shoe selection from a shop over my gait. Fast forward a month and I'd recovered after my injury and mid November I messaged Jon and we started working together and I've not looked back since! Two months in I'm now a stone lighter than when I started based on his guidance and support and I'm also probably the fittest I've been in my adult life and look forward to getting fitter and leaner.

Ultimately the hard graft and sticking to your diet plan is down to you, but you need the guidance, coaching and ultimately the support as to what you should be eating and what training you should be doing. Jon is extremely knowledgeable, is great to deal with and is highly supportive. Yes he's super fit now, but has been a bigger guy in the past and totaly appreciates where you currently are, but also how to get where you want to be.

I highly recommend you contact him.

Andy Cash

I was a busy mum working, 2 kids and training for half iron man, Jon was amazing he wrote me a programme that fitted round me and my life and listened to my feedback. He was always available on WhatsApp for any questions, help I needed. I couldn't have done it without him. He took away all my worries and concerns so on the day I felt confident. 100% recommend Jon for anyone thinking about doing any endurance events.

Gemma P

Copyright Tri Jon Coach 2020.


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Watford, Herts

WD24 4AS
