Helping Busy Triathletes Smash Through Their Limits While Dramatically Boosting Power, Speed and Stamina for Endurance Events

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About Tri Coach Jon

Hi my name is Jon Goodege I’m a Triathlon coach and personal trainer. I help busy triathletes work hard and prepare for distance races such as triathlons and endurance events, making sure they complete and improve their times as well as helping them boost power, speed and stamina.

Get faster in any or all of the three triathlon disciplines Swimming, Cycling, or Running with personalised coaching plans.

Learn how to make the most of your limited training time so you can avoid burn out, injuries and still have a life.

Increase your confidence in your fitness, with constant monitoring and progression of training sessions.

Your 3 Point Race Faster Success Plan


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Tri Coach Jon Success Stories

I've spent the last three years with @tricoachjo_ training camps in Majorca and really pleased that his coaching has helped me to complete my second successive Ironman Wales challenge!

The March camps have been amazing - sunshine, great company and a fantastic training environment. Jon structures the week to take into consideration the prep. needed to confidently attack the Ironman build up. His technical knowledge is outstanding and he is always at hand to pass on really useful information that has given me so much confidence, and has ultimately allowed me to achieve back-to-back IMW finishes.

Jon's had a huge impact upon my Ironman journey and is someone who I'd highly recommend.

Thank you Jon, you are awesome!


Post Ironman Wales 2024

Jon is a truly awesome coach he gives you the level of support you want so if you are not that experienced and need some more advice he will be there but if you just need some guidance along the way he can tailor his help to suit , he always contactable to speak to and always at the end of a phone if you want to scream , shout and moan about how bad you think you are ( which with Jon's help you probably aren't) he gets results I started doing sprint triathlons as a newbie and now I've just completed ironman wales along with many other half distance triathlons, sportive and marathons, this guy knows his onions , I'm still with him because I can't think of training without him

Chris Barry


Mallorca Triathlon Training Camps was one of the biggest highlights of my Ironman 70.3 preparation!

Coach Jon’s approach was amazing - he balanced pushing me to my limits while providing unwavering support.

His patience and clarity in explaining techniques helped me significantly improve my outdoor biking skills, which was crucial for the race!

The post-camp training program Jon designed was also fundamental in maintaining my momentum. His personalized training plan focused on nutrition, recovery, speed work, and endurance, keeping me motivated as I prepared for the event!

Overall, my experience under Jon’s guidance was pivotal in equipping me for the Ironman 70.3! I highly recommend Jon for anyone looking to sharpen their triathlon skills!

Thainá Facchinelli

I enjoyed a fantastic week of highly personalised training with Jon, tapping into his wealth of experience ahead of tackling IM Barcelona in October. Mallorca was the perfect backdrop for an intense 20 hour training week and I left having received a real fitness boost and super motivated for the challenge ahead.

A few highlights:

Bike: Jon has excellent knowledge of the island and planned a series of challenging but scenic rides ranging from 100 - 160km. He tailored these to my race profile and provided a number of pointers ranging from riding technique to heart rate control, delivered alongside a number of great life stories that made the rides even more enjoyable!

Swim: This was an area where I felt like Jon really added value. His video analysis was incredibly helpful, identifying a number of areas for improvement and then prescribing a series of drills to work on them. We trained at a fantastic 50m facility and also had the opportunity to do a few open water sea swims where Jon again offered a number of race tips based on his experience.

Run: I had the opportunity to do a brick run after each of our rides. Tough in the heat but Jon taught me a lot about the benefit of planning nutrition / hydration ahead of the run off to help manage heart rate on the run.

Nutrition: In addition to providing all of the necessary nutrition / supplements to fuel our rides, Jon taught me a huge amount about race planning and recovery and this was an area where he really opened my eyes to the benefits these bring.

Race planning: Jon took time at the start of the week to sit down with me and help plan our training to fit my race profile. I left feeling far more prepared about when and how to hydrate and take on nutrition and he also had a number of war stories to share from his own experience and tips on what to do / not do on race day…!

All in all a really enjoyable week in the perfect surroundings and with great company - would recommend to others looking for a fitness boost ahead of race day.

David McMenamin

Initially, I was quite anxious because my cycling skills weren't where I wanted them to be. However, Jon did an excellent job of ensuring that everyone in the group was at a similar level, which made the experience thoroughly enjoyable.

The swim analysis, followed by technique practice, was transformative for my swimming. Throughout the week, we received nutrition guidance and plenty of advice on preparing for an Ironman.

I left the camp feeling highly motivated and confident about my next Ironman. The accommodation was fantastic, and the food selection was outstanding. I would definitely recommend it!


From a complete beginner in the world of Triathlon with a bit of running background, I decided to do my first half Ironman (70.3) in Nice (a hilly one) and was lucky enough to get the coaching from Jon for 9 months. Jon was always very quick to answer to any question and nailed the load management. I felt really strong during my race, thanks to the structured workouts and consistency. Jon was very knowledgable and supportive.



The week I passed in Mallorca was so well organised between hard and less training and with recuperation periods. The weather was excellent. The roads we travelled were amazing. After the 6 days of training I could feel my legs ready for the goal of a 70,3 Ironman next month.



If you want to progress your experience in triatlhon combined with good laughs this is the trainingcamp for you.
Jon, the coach himself has a lot of experience and shares with you his genuine passion. He knows perfect cycling routes on the island. You can ask him detailed questions about nutrition, training intensity and race strategy.
On top of that you will have an in detail swim analysis with a session that includes corrections in the pool.
Once again many thanks for a great week of training.



Thanks a lot for this amazing training camp! This week, I improved so much in swimming, downhill cycling, learned a lot about nutrition, training on heart rate, and most importantly, had a lot of fun training with Jon and the others and seeing so much of the island. I will definitely come back next year and am very excited to continue with the individual coaching with Jon!



Logistically perfect triathlon training camp, I really loved it! The training facilities are excellent – nice hotel accommodation (with excellent breakfast and dinner options), with a 25m swimming pool and a large and secure bike garage. Well-structured workouts, great bike rides, flexible for all levels. Coach has individual approach to each participant and adapts the training to the exact needs, in accordance with the planned races. The video analysis of the swim from all angles was a huge added value, and all swim training sessions afterwards were done to apply the lessons learned and improve swimming technique. The coach has a great eye and is able to recognize mistakes and correct the technique during and after training. I felt very comfortable in the group (since I joined the camp without knowing anyone), the coach really takes care of everything, and I would recommend this camp to everyone!
Thank you again for great camp!


International Client With ME

Client has ME who chose as a New Year Resolution to attempt to train, complete and enjoy a 50 mile bike ride.

Nutrition and Exercise Coaching plan provided.

Client actually gained muscle mass which is rare for an individual with a muscle wasting condition!

Quote: “Nutrition plan was perfect, Hydration plan was spot on, training was totally worth it, all from you! Couldn’t thank you enough!

Ben 'Irish' P

Team GB Age Group Qualification

I can’t recommend Jon enough, in 7 weeks he boosted my half Ironman time by 40 minutes and got me a GB slot!

I have never felt fitter or stronger and have had great fun buying new clothes to fit my new body!


Team GB Age Group Qualification

Thank you Jon Goodege for been the most inspirational, motivational person I have ever met. It's a privilege to have you as my coach.

What ever your doing is obviously working 2hour 46 min for the bike leg absolutely blew me away and to finish with legs that still worked.

Andrew Moxon

Parachute Regiment Military Preparation

I completed a 6 month Military Preparation Programme, however Jon Goodege recognised the generic physical fitness programme wasn't developing me as much as I needed.

A 1-2-1 training programme was designed, fitness tests completed and a Parachute Regiment Assessment Course date selected.

The plan was flexible to my day to day routine however challenged me and developed my running speed and strength where I was able to achieve an A grade pass on Assessment.

The new goal was then to prepare for the Combat Infantryman Course and the knowledge, training plan and flexibility allowed me to develop and grow and arrive for training in awesome shape.

It was an all round preparation programme, with the Ice Breaker plan, Regimental History revision and Weapon Characteristics advice all enabled me to perform at an overall level to be graded top of my Assessment Course. Can't thank you enough!

Oliver Cooper

Team GB Age Group Qualification

Would just like to thank tri coach Jon for a year of professional tri coaching. I’ve just completed the outlaw x 70.3, even though the swim was shortened due to the cold was a tough race with a lot of the best age groupers in the uk taking part, I found that with Jon’s expert coaching he guided me to a great triathlon experience. I am now looking forward to my winter training with tri coach Jon in preparation for the 2021 season. So again big thank you Jon, would highly recommend tri coach Jon true professional.

Colin Fell

I was a busy mum working, 2 kids and training for half iron man, Jon was amazing he wrote me a programme that fitted round me and my life and listened to my feedback. He was always available on WhatsApp for any questions, help I needed. I couldn't have done it without him. He took away all my worries and concerns so on the day I felt confident. 100% recommend Jon for anyone thinking about doing any endurance events.

Gemma P

Getting fit enough to take part in an endurance event can be a daunting task.

As an endurance athlete myself (and no spring chicken) I understand the challenges that busy people can face when preparing for half marathons, triathlons or ironman races. Making sure you get the most from your training and understanding how to recover is therefore vital.

Using tried and tested methods I have helped hundreds of athletes improve their fitness, and prepare for an array of endurance events. My plan can support you with what to eat making sure you can train at your peak and get the maximum from your training. Through constant monitoring and personal feedback I can make sure your training goals are right for you so that you are always working at the optimum level.

If you are ready to improve your fitness, get in shape and complete an endurance race or improve your times, click the button below for a free no obligation consultation.